Sermons from April 2020

An Even Better Neighbour

April 26, 2020 service, with guest preacher Dave Gourley delivering the message and the youth band leading wortship. You can sow your tithes & offerings through an etransfer from your online banking to

Experiencing the Power of the Risen Christ

April 19, 2020 Sunday service. Tithes and offerings are payable via etransfer to If you are having trouble viewing the video on your mobile browser, tap the 3 dots in the upper righthand corner of the page and select “open in browser” or “view desktop site” and you should be able to see it.

The Greatest News Ever: Christ is Risen!

Our Resurrection Day service on April 12, 2020. Let’s celebrate the joy of Easter Sunday together! Please give your tithes and offerings via entransfer to COVID-19 may keep us from meeting physically for a while, but NOTHING could keep Jesus in the grave. We serve a LIVING God who is bigger than all of […]

God Will Get The Last Word

This is our Good Friday service (April 10, 2020). Make sure you have communion elements ready to take together toward the end of the service. Good Friday is GOOD because of the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us. This is why we come together to remember and celebrate on this day.